Learn to read tarot cards free at the Meredith Public Library
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Learn to read tarot cards free at the Meredith Public Library

Aug 06, 2023

MEREDITH — The Meredith Public Library, 91 Main Street, invites you to a free workshop of "Learn to Read tarot cards" with Debbi Finkelstein of Spill the Tea Leaf Readings and More on Thursday, July 13, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Call the library at 603-279-4303 to register.

For the first part of the workshop, participants will learn about the cards and for the second part, they will practice readings with each other. Feel free to bring your own deck and decks will be provided. Sponsored by a donation from Meredith Village Savings Bank.

Debbi has been reading tarot cards for almost 30 years and tea leaves for about 20 years. Growing up in Massachusetts, she went to Salem at least once a year, buying a new tarot deck each time and amassing quite the collection. She started her own business and has a mission to empower people through the use of tarot and tea leaves. When not consulting her cards and leaves, Debbi enjoys performing onstage and directing, most recently, in The Village Player's "10 Minute Musicals" in Wolfeboro. Debbi's day job is at Castle in the Clouds, where she still can't believe the view is real.

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